Illustration of a pet by Gala
Illustration of a pet by Gala
Gala has been drawing for as long as she’s been alive and in recent years she has been especially chosen by pet lovers to draw their babies and has said to capture the soul of a dear companion in her drawings.
All she needs is a bit of information and a photo or a video etc x
A voucher is also available as a gift which can be reimbursed at any stage…no time limit so this makes a perfect gift for the special person in your life x
*This is a drawing Gala does for you as a private customer for personal use…. you receive a file to print yourself (jpeg and pdf) x
While you may do whatever you want with this image in a personal context the work is the intellectual creative property of Gala Tomasso and should not be used in a business setting.
Gala holds copyright.
This voucher entitles the bearer to a drawings of any pet…dog, cat, snake or elephant.
Send an image to and we will take it from there ❤️